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17格 這是我的戰爭劇情內容 這是我的戰爭人物故事是什麼


收納帝,和平年代可作香港代購人肉貼身過關,一次17個iPhone6 plus妥妥的穩賺

腳有些跛但能扛得比誰都多,有一點缺陷但仍然在戰爭年代將自己所剩的優勢發揮到機制。17說自己是一個“regular guy”, "not big with words",看上去就像一個平凡的屌絲,比羸弱的屌絲要壯上那麼一點,當然更羨煞屌絲的是有一個漂亮的女朋友。戰爭改變了多少平凡人的生活呢,經歷過戰爭炮火洗禮的平凡人,他們的人生,究竟是殘缺了,還是因此變得更完整呢?

17格 這是我的戰爭劇情內容 這是我的戰爭人物故事是什麼



"I'm not big with words. I'm just a regular guy. I used to stack stuff on the night shift at a warehouse, by hand mostly. It was tough work but I was always strong, even when I was a kid. Now this place is gone, shelled to hell, and so is my house. My foot was crushed under the rubble. It has healed, but it's still a bit stiff, so I can't run very fast. But I can carry more than anyone I know."

Boris' Story


"I had a beautiful girlfriend, Ana. We had a kid. A wonderful son. Luka was just like me, he was only seven and already stronger than all the other kids. I bet he would've grown up to become a great weight lifter, as I always wanted to be. If I had saved him."

"When we were hiding in the basement, after they hit our house, we quickly ran out of food and had very little water. I could not move much because of my foot, and Ana saved us both. She was a great mother, a real hero. Ana used to go out at night and she was bringing us everything we needed."

"One day Luka fell ill with the runs, turned out he'd drunk water from a puddle. "I'm sorry daddy. I ate peanuts and I was terribly thirsty." Salted peanuts. This is not proper food for a child. Soon, he was getting weaker by the hour. Ana said she'd get him meds. She must've felt guilty for she didn't bother to wait for the sunset before she went out."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Boris is alive.

"Boris won over everything that war threw at him and used his grit and strength to help others rebuild their lives. The memory of Ana's sacrifice and Luka's faith supported him till the end of his days"

Alternate Ending (boris survives sad or worse)

"Boris managed to see the end of the war and tried to put his life back together, mostly to no avail. The memory of his son's and girlfriend's fate haunted him till the end of his days."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Boris is dead.