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巨魔 lol英雄臺詞大全 lol所有英雄的臺詞


巨魔 lol英雄臺詞大全 lol所有英雄的臺詞

選人時  巨魔時間到啦! Time to troll!

攻擊時  砸個粉碎! Smashing!

我會讓他見識一下寒霜之咬。 I'll show them frostbite.

這隻會讓你覺得很受傷...而已。 This will only hurt... a lot!

來吧,來和我玩吧。 C'mon, entertain me.

遇到我算他們倒黴。 They crossed the wrong troll.

今晚,我覺得很想吃東西。 Tonight, I'm feeling greedy.

在敲東西時,次數一定不要太多。 You can never bash something too many times.

我要把他們敲到死。 I'm gonna knock 'em dead.

沒有人能侵入我的鎮子。 Nobody trespasses in my town.

他們正在破壞我的好心情! They're ruining my good mood!

喂!我打碎了什麼嗎? Woops! Did I break something?

移動時 我是有計劃的巨魔。 I'm the troll with the plan.

是時候開始冰河世界了。 Time to start an ice age.

我在吃人的時候喜歡放點調料。 I like my human with a bit of spice.

弗雷爾卓德是我的!  The Freljord is mine!

我是巨魔法官,巨魔陪審團,也是巨魔..劊子手! I'm troll judge, troll jury, and execu... troll!

巨魔之王,正在來臨。 King of trolls, coming through.

我不醜,但他們快要變醜啦! I'm not ugly, but they're about to be!

噢哈哈,他們好像很生氣! Ohoho, they look angry!

不是巨魔酋長,是巨魔國王,國王! Not troll chief, troll king. King!

巨魔們就要打仗啦! The trolls are going to war!

開玩笑時 巨魔不是騎着迅猛龍纔像話嗎? Have you seen this thing? Like really close.

棒子最大的巨魔就是國王。這就是規矩! Troll with the biggest club gets to be king. That's the rule!

沒事的,我可愛的棒子,我們很快就可以大砸特砸了。 It's alright Clubbems, we'll get to smashing soon.

嘲諷時  我準備敲碎你的夢想,他們在你頭骨裏,對嗎? I'm gonna crush your dreams... They're in your skull, right?

你對我有意見嗎?那就吃我一棒吧! You got a problem with me? Join the club!

如果你想我打的輕一點,那就死的快一點! If you want me to hit you less, die sooner!

嘲諷德瑪西亞之力時 巨魔西亞! Trollmacia!

嘲諷冰霜女巫時 過來,小公主。 C'mere, princess.

嘲諷雷霆咆哮時 愛發牢騷的熊崽子! Whiny cub!

嘲諷寒冰射手時 跑吧,艾希! Run, Ashe!

嘲諷曙光女神時 哈哈哈。日光?真的嗎? Hahaha. Sunlight? Really?

嘲諷凜冬之怒時 尖叫吧! Squeal!

嘲諷敵對巨魔之王時 這傢伙以爲他是誰? Who does this guy think he is?

使用W技能時 這裏是巨魔鎮! This is troll town!

現在,你在我的王國裏! You're in MY kingdom now!

使用R技能時 縮退! Shrivel!

鞠躬! Bow down!

差勁!  Pathetic!

死亡時  可我是...巨魔之王... But I... Troll king.